‘Grounded’ Customer Receives Grab Food Delivery Via Pulley System From 6 Floors Up

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Image: Image: Twitter (Azhar Jamil)

Grab Food drivers must be one of those unexpectedly happening jobs that you can do.

Previously, we had a Grab Food rider yelling “AH HOO” just for giggles. But it doesn’t mean that every obstacle they face is delivery related.

They may be just delivering food, but we don’t know what kind of lives they lead outside.

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Image: Giphy

Grab Food riders also have to deal with random angry uncles and sometimes put on the superhero cape to rescue a man trapped in an overturned lorry.

And today’s Grab Food story involves what I suspect is an HDB prison break story.

Customer Requested For Food To Be Delivered Via Pulley

In a tweet by Azhar Jamil, he posted a video talking about “one of the craziest food delivery experience” he had.

And of course, you already knew what that was from the title. So here it is in all its glory (it’s also in the tweet):

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Image: Twitter (Azhar Jamil)
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Image: Twitter (Azhar Jamil)

Seeing this actually work, I can only stand up and clap for the innovation and technological advancements achieved in this simple request.

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Image: Giphy

Honestly, who needs Grab Riders to take the lift? We should design a trolley system for all the food deliveries! This is 2019 we are talking about! I demand all HDB and condos to implement this right NOW!

…but my futuristic imaginations aside, you might be wondering why the customer can’t just let the Grab rider use the lift.

The reason is actually simple.

Do you have a friend who has a fake life on Instagram? This would explain why they’re living the “Instagram Life”: (Also remember to follow us on Instagram!)

Claim: Customer Was Grounded

Translation: “Customer requested because he was grounded.”

But this only leads to more questions. Why not just ask his/her parents or siblings to open the door?

And thus, because I need to hit the word count I theorised what sinister doings could be hidden up there.

Theory: Customer Is A Humanoid Dog Attempting Prison Break

From the exchange, we know that the customer is likely unable to enlist the help of the other residents in the home. We also know that, given the secrecy this customer operates, there is a reason why the food delivery cannot be discovered by the other residents.

It is known that toilet paper can be made into a shiv, and prisoners often have to resort to things like buying instant noodles or other illegal transactions in order to gain the tools necessary for escape.

This leads me to believe that the customer is in a similar situation.

There’s only one conclusion from this: the customer is an imprisoned humanoid dog. Perhaps forced to do slave labour like writing articles for a website.

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Image: Giphy

Think about it: A Grab Food delivery has utensils and paper which can all be used as shivs to ply open a prison cage. The customer also has a hidden identity that he cannot let the residents or Grab Food rider to know about.

Maybe something so shocking a revelation that will shake the world. Like a humanoid dog.

And how do I know this? Because at Goody Feed we have first-hand experience of this.

We have never seen George Yang‘s true identity, and in our workplace chats, George Yang only appears as a cat for the profile pic. Yet, George Yang constantly churns out articles, never interacting with any of our colleagues.

This was why I suspected that George Yang was actually the cat in the profile pic, imprisoned in some hidden room of our office and made to type articles.

This all makes sense. Trust me.

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